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Deltrian: officially a member of WindEurope.

Deltrian becomes an official member of WindEurope, to put its expertise at the service of the energy transition.

Published on 23.01.2024

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We join WindEurope


WindEurope: Over 500 members


Joining WindEurope: our goal


Recognized for our expertise

Cedric Deschamps's picture

Cedric Deschamps

Commercial Director Belgium / Luxembourg

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We join WindEurope

Deltrian : WindEurope member

Big news for Deltrian in 2024: we are officially a member of WindEurope!

Indeed, we have completed all the necessary steps to join the association at the end of 2023, and it was in mid-December that we started to be part of this European network.

WindEurope: Over 500 members

WindEurope: what is it?

WindEurope is an association whose mission is to actively promote wind energy throughout Europe. Today, there are more than 500 major companies from 35 different countries that are members of WindEurope.

We can notably mention EDF, Engie, Allianz, Orsted, and now Deltrian.

To fulfill its mission and help wind energy to continue its development, WindEurope conducts several initiatives:

  • It offers education to understand the functioning, basics, and economic model of wind energy.
  • It publishes studies and facts about the evolution of wind power in the European energy mix.
  • It leads targeted campaigns to push the development of wind energy.
  • It organizes events throughout Europe: Bilbao, Dublin, Hamburg, Amsterdam, etc.

Joining WindEurope: our goal

Why we’re joining WindEurope

Our goal in joining this association is simple: to put our know-how and expertise at the service of energy transition and wind energy.

Indeed, for a wind turbine to function optimally, it needs top-quality air intake filters. These filters enable wind turbines to resist dust, pollen, and other particles that can cause breakdowns and production losses.

This is even more the case for wind turbines installed at sea, which have to face even more extreme conditions: salt, water, and humidity. All these elements can increase the risk of corrosion, and therefore, degradation of the equipment.

That’s why it is necessary that their air intake filters are of impeccable quality to:

  • Optimize their functioning,
  • Ensure their lifespan,
  • Maintain the cleanliness of the nacelle,
  • Protect the generator and electrical equipment.

Today, Deltrian is able to produce and offer such filters.

Recognized for our expertise

Deltrian: recognized for its innovations and R&D

Thanks to this new type of filters, WindEurope has recognized Deltrian for our innovations and the work of our R&D team.

Today, we are the only filtration player in Europe to have joined WindEurope. We are proud to be part of it and look forward to sharing our expertise to support the wind sector in its development.

Cedric Deschamps's picture

Cedric Deschamps

Commercial Director Belgium / Luxembourg

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