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CES in Las Vegas: Carolos, between satisfaction and regret.

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Satisfaction for Mint’T and AGC at the technological innovation fair. And regret not to be there from Deltrian who had to give it up at the last minute.

Published on 11.01.2022

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Mint'T: for the 3rd time


Unhappy Deltrian

Yanneck Adolphe's picture

Yanneck Adolphe

European Product & Project Director

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Mint'T: for the 3rd time

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas is the largest technology innovation show in the world. After a 2021 edition entirely online, the 2022 edition was held from January 5 to 7. And if the number of participants was reduced by half – more than 2,000 all the same -, the event was nonetheless “the place to be” to make itself known internationally. With the support of the Walloon Export Agency and Digital Wallonia, or not, around fifteen Walloon companies traveled to America.

Mint’T, whose “support and development” department is located on the banks of the Sambre in Charleroi, was one of them. Not a first: “It’s the third time we’ve been there”, explains Éric Krzeslo, CEO of this start-up which has developed software allowing, thanks to artificial intelligence, to prevent falls for the elderly or people with reduced mobility.

If the path to scale-up status is already well marked out for Mint’T, the Las Vegas meeting was again not to be missed for her: “We have a series of evolutions for our product , and it was the right time to show it. It was also the opportunity to meet our technological partners, with whom we are already collaborating or potential. Some are Belgian, but sometimes we don’t have the opportunity to see them somewhere else” , smiles the boss. And then, it is also the privileged place to launch into other markets, North America in particular.

"Confirmation of the digitization of healthcare that we saw in 2021 with the health crisis. "

Eric Krzeslo, CEO of Mint'T

One element caught Éric Krzeslo’s attention: “The confirmation of the digitization of health care that we saw in 2021 with the health crisis.” This awareness of the e -health is elsewhere is one of the elements of the balance sheet that he highlights, with the prospects it opens up “in North, Central and South America, where more resources are devoted to it.”< /em> He also points out “the interconnectivity which, with the support of partners, makes it possible to broaden the interest of the initial product by offering solutions for cardiac monitoring or diabetes.”

With its research center based in Gosselies, AGC was also in Las Vegas. In partnership with a Toulouse company, Eyelights, it has developed an augmented reality windshield, without a helmet, which means that you no longer have to consult the displays on the dashboard. commercialization is expected by 2025.

Unhappy Deltrian

Air filtration specialist, now well known for its mouth masks, Deltrian International, based in Fleurus, was on the Walloon CES list. But a key representative of the company, who tested positive for Covid just before departure, led the firm to give up the trip. Not without regret, as one can imagine.

The company had planned everything to present its virucidal technology, integrated both in its masks and in its air filtration systems. This latest innovation has already been highlighted through Systemair, a Swedish international company specializing in air handling units which has adopted Deltrian technology. It will be postponed.

In the meantime, Deltrian begins the year with the prospect of occupying its new building where all its activities in the region will be gathered. It also announces a “very sharp reduction in the price of masks” thanks to a reduced production cost thanks to the implementation of even more efficient manufacturing processes. Enough to face the Asian competition.

Yanneck Adolphe's picture

Yanneck Adolphe

European Product & Project Director

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