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Coronavirus in Belgium: Sioen and Deltrian companies will provide filters for masks.

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The government on Friday entrusted the companies Sioen (Ardooie, West Flanders) and Deltrian (Fleurus, Hainaut) with the task of producing 20 million filters which will be used to improve the quality of the fabric masks whose wearing will be compulsory in public transport from of May 4, confirmed on Monday the cabinet of the Minister of Justice, Koen Geens, following information disseminated by "De Tijd".

Published on 27.04.2020

Jean Kalyvas's picture

Jean Kalyvas

Chief Information and Marketing Officer

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On Friday, the National Security Council (CNS) announced that it wanted two filters per person to be distributed so that each citizen who wishes can integrate them into the masks they have already acquired or made. This refers to so-called comfort masks, made of fabric, and not surgical and FFP2 masks, which remain reserved for health professionals, nursing home and community staff as well as security services.

Wearing a mask should make it possible to remedy the impossibility of respecting distances between people, starting with public transport. It will also be compulsory from May 18 in schools for students over 12, teachers and other staff.

The distribution of these filters will begin on May 4.

Jean Kalyvas's picture

Jean Kalyvas

Chief Information and Marketing Officer

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