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Deltrian: deltribud masks for children.

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Since this Monday morning, all children from the age of 6 must wear a mask. But we know that mouth masks are not suitable for children's sizes. This is why the Deltrian company, located in Fleurus, offers children the solution: deltribud masks.

Published on 06.12.2021

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A production of masks for children?

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Jean Kalyvas

Chief Information and Marketing Officer

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Since last Friday, there has been a rush on mouth masks for children. Consequence of the decision of the last Codeco which decided that young people must now wear a mask from the age of 6 at school, and in any other public place, where the mask is made compulsory.

A problem in terms of supply but also in terms of the size of the masks, they are not designed for children. The Deltrian company in Fleurus offers solutions.

"The quickest fix we've found for kids is deltribud, it's a way to adjust adult masks to ear level, a way that won't hurt kids' ear levels. children. "

Jean Kalyvas, Marketing Manager of Deltrian

The principle is quite simple, you need a paperclip that you pass through the buddies, you hook the paperclip clip with the mask cord and all you have to do is slide the buddies into the cardoon of the mask. After that, you can adjust it as you wish.

"Initially, the action we wanted to do was to distribute our new virucidal masks that kill the virus. But, in view of the latest Codeco, we have distributed our deltribud which are adjustable for children for free in order to help parents as much as possible. "

Jean Kalyvas, Marketing Manager of Deltrian

A production of masks for children?

The company does not plan to manufacture masks for children because its production line is already too large for the creation of masks for adults.

"We already have a production line running at full speed for the creation of masks for adults. In addition, for the moment, children must wear a mask until the end of this year and it is not known whether this health rule will still apply for children next year. "

Jean Kalyvas, Marketing Manager of Deltrian

But, if in the long term, children must continue to wear the mask, Deltrian may plan to produce adult masks but with cords that would be shorter.

"We can always find long-term solutions, such as an additional machine that is only used for the production of masks for children. We can also import masks for children but this is not the best solution because they are not certified. "

Jean Kalyvas, Marketing Manager of Deltrian

In the future, therefore, a more global solution should be found by society, everything will depend on the evolution of the pandemic and the resulting economic context.

Jean Kalyvas's picture

Jean Kalyvas

Chief Information and Marketing Officer

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